Interview with Carla Azar – Autolux, April 7th, 2016

By Mike Bax Carving out their own niche in a musical tapestry that is full of bands and musicians all sounding derivative of someone or something else, there is Autolux. Consisting of musicians Carla Azar, Greg Edwards and Eugene Goreshter, Autolux has put out an album every 6 years since their debut of Future Perfect…

Autolux – Lee’s Palace, April 7th, 2016

Review and Photos by Mike Bax And now, the task at hand; attempting to describe a concert that was indescribably good. Autolux is a Los Angeles three-piece alternative rock band comprised of Eugene Goreshter (lead vocals/bass), Greg Edwards (guitar/vocals) and Carla Azar (drums/vocals). The band is often lumped into the category of ‘shoegazer’ music because…

True Detective: The Complete Second Season Blu-ray review

Review by Mike Bax HBO Home Entertainment I don’t know what I enjoyed more about True Detective’s Second Season – the massive amount of internet hatred the show mustered up as it originally aired, or the actual show itself. The internet vitriol got so bad midway through the second season that I had to go…